In the vibrant and dynamic landscape of AI, the swift integration of new technology is reshaping industries, posing challenges to established norms. The potential benefits of AI for insurers are substantial, from operational gains to meeting customer expectations and facilitating talent recruitment. Recognizing the pivotal moment in the industry, InsurTech Hub Munich, launches two “Scale AI” programmes.
Die Versicherungsbranche befindet sich inmitten einer digitalen Transformation, in deren Mittelpunkt die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) als Schlüsseltechnologie steht. Unsere aktuelle, mit Deloitte gemeinsam verfasste Studie zeigt, wo die Branche steht und wie sie nächste Stufe der Innovation erreichen könnte:
Zentrale Erkenntnisse der Studie:
- Effizienzsteigerung als Hauptantrieb: Für 94 % der Versicherer steht die Optimierung von Prozessen und Ressourcen im Fokus ihrer KI-Strategien.
- Herausforderung Prozessintegration: Die Skalierung von KI-Lösungen stößt häufig auf Hindernisse bei der Einbindung in bestehende Abläufe und Systeme.
- Investition in Mitarbeitende: Über zwei Drittel der Versicherer setzen auf Weiterbildungsprogramme, um ihr Team auf die Anforderungen der KI-Technologie vorzubereiten.
- Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups: 88 % der Unternehmen sehen in Partnerschaften mit KI-Start-ups eine Chance, Innovationen schneller und flexibler voranzutreiben.
Warum diese Studie?
Unsere Studie liefert praxisnahe Einblicke und Handlungsempfehlungen, wie Versicherer KI-Lösungen skalieren können – von der strategischen Planung bis zur Umsetzung im Tagesgeschäft.
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren, wie die Versicherungsbranche KI zur Effizienzsteigerung, Innovation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nutzt.
Jetzt registrieren und Studienergebnisse erhalten!
Dive into the key insights and takeaways from ITHM’s latest white paper on the future of insurance distribution, focusing on technology as a central factor in shaping the industry. Created in collaboration with consultancy firm Roland Berger, this insightful piece is compiled with the contribution of 30+ experts from our ITHM community of insurers, technology companies, and the insurtech industry. Highlights include:
- The game-changing role of technology and insurtechs
- The limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach
- 8 archetypes for future positioning
… and more!
Smaller Businesses Expect an “All-Inclusive Package” from Insurers
The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) and strategy consultancy Roland Berger have jointly published the study NXT:Commercial, which examines the needs and challenges of the insurance market for smaller businesses (10 to 49 employees and up to €10 million annual revenue) in Germany. Based on surveys of 150 executives from smaller companies and interviews with representatives from over ten insurance companies, the study explores two key questions: To what extent are the basic needs of smaller businesses being met by insurers, and can insurers establish themselves as long-term partners through value-added services?
KI in der Versicherungsbranche: auf dem Weg zur Skalierung
Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Versicherungsbranche! Gemeinsam mit unserem strategischen Partner Deloitte haben wir untersucht, wie deutsche Versicherungsunternehmen KI einsetzen und welche Herausforderungen sowie Potenziale es bei der Skalierung gibt.
Insurance Innovation Night 2024: AI and Insurance – A Forward-Looking Partnership
Over 200 leading experts from the insurance industry, technology, and politics gathered at the Design Offices in Munich for the Insurance Innovation Night 2024, hosted by InsurTech Hub Munich. The event focused on a pivotal theme: the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the insurance industry. Featuring prominent speakers, innovative contributions from startups, and intense discussions, the event underscored the key message: scaling AI brings both challenges and enormous opportunities. However, realizing this potential requires considerable effort, knowledge-sharing, and a spirit of innovation.
SCALE AI Venture Programme 2024: Collaborations at the Intersection of AI and Insurance
On September 26, 2024, the SCALE AI Venture Programme, an initiative by InsurTech Hub Munich, officially kicked off. This programme aims to reshape the role of AI in the insurance industry through strategic collaborations. By uniting insurers, technology companies, scaleups, and startups, it fosters the development of scalable AI innovations that will drive transformation across the entire insurance ecosystem.
InsurTech Hub Munich Opens Startup Applications for SCALE AI Programme
The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM), a leading global collaboration platform for the technological transformation of the insurance industry, announces the application phase for AI focused startups to participate in its SCALE AI Innovation Programme.
Miriam Hook übernimmt Geschäftsführung beim InsurTech Hub Munich
Die Juristin und Versicherungsmanagerin Miriam Hook übernimmt zum 1. Mai 2024 die Geschäftsführung des InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM). Miriam Hook folgt als Geschäftsführerin auf Christian Gnam, der die Leitung des Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie (IZB) in Martinsried bei München übernommen hat. Zugleich mit der Berufung von Miriam Hook wird ein Führungsteam des ITHM etabliert.
Deloitte wird strategischer KI-Knowledge-Partner beim InsurTech Hub Munich
Der InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) geht eine „Knowledge-Partnerschaft“ mit Deloitte ein. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, das Potenzial der sich rasant entwickelnden Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für die Versicherungsbranche transparent und verständlich zu machen. Im Rahmen der aktuellen KI-Programme des Hubs werden ITHM und Deloitte daran arbeiten, die Versicherungswirtschaft durch gemeinsame Analysen, Studien und Handlungsempfehlungen zu stärken.
InsurTech Hub Munich ehrt Dr. Robert Heene und Tom Van den Brulle mit außerordentlicher Mitgliedschaft
Der InsurTech Hub Munich e.V. (ITHM) hat Dr. Robert Heene (Konzern Versicherungskammer) und Tom Van den Brulle (Munich Re) als außerordentliche Mitglieder in den Verein aufgenommen.
Navigating the AI Horizon: A Strategic Imperative for Insurers
In the vibrant and dynamic landscape of AI, the swift integration of new technology is reshaping industries, posing challenges to established norms. The potential benefits of AI for insurers are substantial, from operational gains to meeting customer expectations and facilitating talent recruitment. Recognizing the pivotal moment in the industry, InsurTech Hub Munich, launches two “Scale AI” programmes.
InsurTech Hub Munich: Neues Vorstandsteam und Wechsel im Beiratsvorsitz
InsurTech Hub Munich verkündet neue Vorstandsleitung und Veränderungen im Beirat.
Bayerisches Wirtschaftsministerium fördert den InsurTech Hub Munich mit einer Million Euro
Der InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM), eine global agierende Innovationsplattform der Versicherungswirtschaft, erhält eine finanzielle Förderung in Höhe von bis zu einer Million Euro vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie. Die Mittel können bis Oktober 2026 abgerufen werden.
Technologieeinsatz als Schlüssel zum Erfolg: Versicherungsvertrieb 2028
Das White Paper “NEXT Distribution 2028: Die Zukunft des Versicherungsvertriebs” ist erschienen. Erstellt wurde der Report vom InsurTech Hub Munich gemeinsam mit Roland Berger.Der Versicherungsbetrieb der Zukunft wird von einem zentralen Faktor geprägt sein: Technologie.
Hiscox Joins InsurTech Hub Munich, Strengthening the Global Insurance Innovation Ecosystem
Hiscox, a renowned global insurer, has officially become a member of InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM), marking yet another significant stride in the establishment of the most relevant insurance innovation ecosystem on a global scale.
InsurTech Hub Munich launches its NXT:Commercial Innovation Programme: to revolutionize commercial insurance for SMEs
InsurTech Hub Munich is introducing its NXT:Commercial Innovation Programme, centred on commercial insurance for SMEs.
Insurers: Essential Safeguards for SME Security and Growth
Discover how insurers are evolving into essential safeguards for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), bolstering their stability, security, and prospects for sustainable growth. This article delves into the strategies and innovations insurers are employing to bridge the divide between perception and reality in risk coverage for SMEs, ultimately fortifying fortifying their security, resilience, and long-term growth.
InsurTech Hub Munich announces knowledge partnership with German global consultancy firm Roland Berger
InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) announces its strategic knowledge partnership with global consultancy firm Roland Berger.
Gen Z and Insurance: takeaways to optimise your distribution strategy
During InsurTech Insights in London InsurTech Hub Munich’s Programme Director Esther Prax discussed the race to GenZ with experts Graham Gordon, P&C Product Director at Sapiens, Sabina Kravcak, Head of Strategy at AXA UK, Josh Hart, Co-Founder, CPO and CTO at YuLife and Dr. Robin Kiera, Founder and CEO of digitalscouting.
InsurTech Hub Munich launches NXT: Distribution Programme with 20 selected startups
InsurTech Hub Munich launches NXT: Distribution Programme – 20 startups selected to address the challenges of insurance distribution.
Siemens: New member of InsurTech Hub Munich community
Siemens joins InsurTech Hub Munich’s (ITHM) corporate community of leading insurance companies with the internal start-up oriented organization Data Driven X (DDX) – Part of Digital Industries at Siemens AG.
What’s the future of embedded insurance?
Embedded insurance is a growing trend in the insurance industry that has the potential to revolutionize the way insurance products are distributed and consumed. To gain more insights about this trend, we interviewed Yuri Poletto, Founder and Director of the Open and Embedded Insurance Observatory.
InsurTech Hub Munich integriert Gründerinnen-Netzwerk One Mission
One Mission, eine 2019 gegründete Initiative zur Förderung der Geschlechterdiversität im deutschen Start-up-Ökosystem, wird Teil des InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM). Der ITHM wird One Mission dabei unterstützen, den Anteil von Unternehmensgründungen durch Frauen zu steigern.
Genesys becomes a partner of the InsurTech Hub Munich
Genesys, a global leader in customer experience, joins InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) as a corporate partner, strengthening ITHM’s community of 30 insurance and technology companies.
Beyond a simple symptom checker
Generali Health Solutions and the Austrian startup XUND are cooperating to create a patient journey that goes beyond a simple symptom checker and positions the insurer Generali as a Lifetime Partner.
More knowledge means better care
Münchener Verein and Ecaria have joined forces to help family caregivers by informing and educating them on the care coverage gap and long-term care insurance products.
ÖRAG-Gruppe wird Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich
Die ÖRAG-Gruppe tritt dem ITHM als neues Versicherungsmitglied bei. Damit baut der ITHM seine Reichweite in Deutschland weiter aus und stärkt seine führende Position als nationales und internationales Zentrum für Versicherungsinnovationen.
IAG Firemark Ventures joins InsurTech Hub Munich as a new partner
With Firemark Ventures, the corporate venture capital fund of Australian insurance company IAG,InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) further expands its international partner network, enriching the mutual exchange within ITHM’s existing community of insurance leaders and technology champions.
Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. joins the InsurTech Hub Munich community
InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) further accelerates its growth in 2022 by entering in partnership with Japan headquartered international insurance group Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. With Tokio Marine’s industry related expertise and long-lasting experience ITHM w international community know-how on digital innovation.
Insurance & Elderly Care: The challenges of caregivers
We have asked Johannes Wagner, ITHM Board Member, Head of Startup Cooperation at Versicherungskammer and Managing Director Bavaria Versicherungsvermittlungs-Gmbh and Kazuya Komemoto, Innovation Manager at Dai-chi Life to share their point of view on elderly care management and how insurers can become real partners to patients and caregivers.
Insurance & Chronic Diseases: How can insurers support chronic disease patients?
We have asked Markus Buchhäusl, Head of Business Organisation, and Teresa Höß, Health Management Specialist at Arag to discuss with us the role of insurers in supporting chronic patients and their views on possible effective solutions.
Google Cloud Germany joins InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM)
Google Cloud in Germany is joining the InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) community of more than 30 national and international insurers, tech-companies, consulting firms, and investors.
Fitness & Workplace Health: a perfect access point for a better healthcare journey
The H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme lays special emphasis on 5 health verticals along the patient journey embracing the strategic priorities of the ITHM community. Rodrigo Perez, Head of Claims Health Insurance at Münchener Verein, takes us through the role of insurers in their employees’ and customers’ fitness journey, giving us his insights on fitness and workplace health.
Insurance & Mental Health: what are the challenges for insurers?
The H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme builds on strategic priorities of the ITHM community by laying special emphasis on 5 health verticals. As the first topic, we discuss mental health challenges for the insurance industry with Markus Homann, Managing Director at Generali Health Solutions and part of our H+ Expert Panel.
Financial Home: Versicherer können mit Rundum-Betreuung wachsen
Viele Verbraucher wünschen sich ein sogenanntes „Financial Home“ – eine zentrale Plattform, über die sie alle persönlichen Geldangelegenheiten gebündelt regeln. Wie eine solche Plattform konkret aussehen könnte, erarbeitete der InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) gemeinsam mit seinem Partnernetzwerk aus Versicherungen, Start-ups, IT-Dienstleistern sowie der Strategieberatung Oliver Wyman, im Rahmen des mehrwöchigen Innovationsprogrammes FIN:SURE.
From cost reimburser to healthcare companion
The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) supports the insurers’ transformation from payor to partner with the second edition of the H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme.
8 questions to… Kathrin Schwidder
Our recently appointed ITHM board member and Generali Deutschland AG’s Head of Strategy and Lifetime Partner Transformation shares with us her view on digitalization, the ITHM hub and much more.
ITHM launches second edition of H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme
After the success of the previous H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme in 2020, InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) announces its second edition kicking off in February.
French insurer Wakam is joining the ITHM community
InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) continues its growth-story in 2022 with French newcomer Wakam, a leading digital B2B European white-label insurer.
Neue Vorstands- und Beiratsmitglieder beim InsurTech Hub Munich
Kathrin Schwidder (Generali) und Dr. Klaus Driever (Allianz) werden neue Vorstandsmitglieder des InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM). Johannes Wagner (Versicherungskammer Bayern), Falk Löffler (Nürnberger Versicherung) sowie Tom Van den Brulle (Munich Re) wurden in der turnusmäßigen Wahl von den ordentlichen Mitgliedern wiedergewählt und werden für weitere zwei Jahre als ITHM-Vorstandsmitglieder den Münchner Hub steuern. Von den Mitgliedern neu in den ITHM-Beirat entsandt wurden Dr. Carsten Reimund (Allianz) und Benedikt Kalteier (Generali).
Provinzial wird neues Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich
Der Provinzial Konzern, der zweitgrößte öffentliche Versicherer in Deutschland, wird Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) und setzt damit auf den Know-how- und Erfahrungsaustausch mit dem auf Innovation und Digitalisierung fokussierten InsurTech Hub aus München.
InsurTech Hub Munich further expands its international footprint
Israeli market leader Migdal Insurance becomes ITHM community partner.
Covomo provides plug&play distribution solutions for the niche insurance market
Founded in 2015, Covomo offers technology and sales tools for special and niche insurances, such as travel, pet, electronics or bike insurance.
Finance development solutions through withdrawal algorithms
3Pace Development, a German startup founded in 2021, offers financial independence solutions which fit its customers’ needs. With AI-based withdrawal algorithms, the startup transforms annuity payments into a yield booster.
Risk identification for your advisory success
Since 2016, riskine develops digital advisory solutions for the financial industry, based on the latest AI and graph technologies. Its solutions enable a holistic understanding of risks and needs and significantly reduce information asymmetries between customers and advisors.
Financial advisory made simple
360F, a Singapore-based startup founded in 2017, automates solutions that synergize life insurance and wealth management.
Cloud Insurance, an all-in-one InsurTech SaaS, empowers insurers worldwide
Since its foundation in 2016, Cloud Insurance’s robust and flexible platform has helped insurance carriers, MGAs, agents and brokers manage policies, claims, distribution, finances, products, and reports.
Democratising home ownership
MyHomely, a German startup founded in 2020, focuses on breaking the barriers to homeownership via its unique co-investment technology. Customers achieve 100% home ownership in as little as three years while having access to digital support services and default management technology.
What if several thousand analysts helped you with your investment decisions?
Subcapitals is a German-based startup which focuses on democratizing artificial intelligence for private investors and enabling equality through neo-investing.
Empathy and money – how does this fit?
Dimply, an Irish startup founded in 2020, believes in an empathetic and resonant approach in empowering healthier financial futures for customers. The startup builds a bridge between large financial businesses and individual customers with a focus on helping people think and feel better about money.
Ready to take control of your financial future?
BetterTradeOff (BTO) makes sound and comprehensive financial planning possible for everyone, with online platforms for consumers, advisers and financial institutions.
A Home built on Trust
Building a Financial Home Platform: InsurTech Hub Munich explores the role of insurance in their customers’ life-long financial wellbeing. For its new Innovation Sprint format, FIN:SURE, the hub is joined by top-notch experts and eleven promising international startups.
Join us at the intersection of finance and insurance
InsurTech Hub Munich introduces a new format: the Innovation Sprint. FIN:SURE is the first one-month programme to kick off mid-September 2021.
How to scale it
Nürnberger Versicherung and startup Fusionbase have joined forces – with a remarkably long-term perspective. We asked them for their top three criteria for successful startup-corporate cooperations.
Welcome to the Never Normal
At the FUTURE X INSURANCE Showcase, corporate executives, innovation leaders and international startups discussed and defined the new normal in the industry
“Home-made Innovation”
Christopher Meyer-Mölleringhof, Head of Innovation at LV 1871, strongly believes in strengthening in-house innovation
A community of 10K
InsurTech Hub Munich reaches 10,000 followers on LinkedIn. “It’s more than just numbers, it’s a community”, comments Director Media & Communications Markus Walter.
Cultivating collaboration with an impact
InsurTech Hub Munich announces the 29 participants of the ‘NXT: Enterprise’ Innovation Programme, which kicks off end of April 2021
Finger on the pulse: This is InsurTech Hub Munich’s agenda for 2021
With its focus topics for 2021, InsurTech Hub Munich, has its finger on the pulse: Smart Enterprise, Digital Health and Financial Home are on the agenda for this year’s Innovation Programme and Innovation Sprint formats.
What’s NXT:, Esther?
Launching ‘NXT: Enterprise”: Esther Prax, ITHM’s new Programme Director, explains why the network now focusses on the topic of Smart Enterprise.
Getting ready for the next normal
With ‘NXT: Enterprise” InsurTech Hub Munich is launching its seventh Innovation Programme. The first half of 2021 will be dedicated to matching startups and corporate partners to collaborate on Smart Enterprise solutions.
New year, new faces: Meet the InsurTech Hub Munich team
Esther Eva Prax has joined ITHM as Programme Director as of January 2021. Dale Sodergren is the hub’s new Partnerships Manager and Bhushan Chhatre fills the novel Startup Associate role.
Season’s Greetings from InsurTech Hub Munich
2020 has been a special year – in many aspects. The ITHM Christmas video focuses on the bright sides, the success stories of the network and its’ unrivaled community spirit.
At the forefront of innovation
InsurTech Hub Munich honors the commitment of its corporate partners with the Frontrunner Award, the Digital Connector Award and the Most Engaged Partner Award
Minister of Health Jens Spahn: “We are entering a digital future”
At the Health X Insurance Showcase, the grand finale of the H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme, keynote speaker Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn invited the audience of more than 1000 to “embrace change and shape the future together”.
Lasting impression, lasting relationship
Founders in the ITHM alumni network profit from a number of perks and benefits. Six startups, awarded for their outstanding transformative impact, now received a special prize: a pro sales training at famed Maschmeyer Group.
A successful formula expanded
From 1970s startup to global champion: InsurTech Hub Munich wins SAP as a new partner
Wirtschaftsminister Aiwanger: „Bayerische Startups sind krisenfest“
Bayerns Startup-Szene schreibt aktuell viele positive Schlagzeilen. InsurTech Hub Munich und Digital Health Hub Nürnberg/Erlangen sind wichtige Treiber dieser Entwicklung. Die beiden Hubs starten im September “H+”, ein gemeinsames Innovationsprogramm für Gesundheitslösungen.
Finding the best digital health solutions for the ‘new normal’
These are the 40 participants of the upcoming H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme, hosted by InsurTech Hub Munich and dmac / Digital Health Hub Nuremberg / Erlangen
Youkoso, Tokyo FinTech!
Tokyo FinTech joins InsurTech Hub Munich as a Community Partner, further expanding the network’s ties with the Asian entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Insurtech boom defies the crisis
Is the COVID-19 crisis slowing down startups, corporate innovators or investors? On the contrary: InsurTech Hub Munich sees its stakeholders gain momentum.
Better decisions with customer insights
Startup uses artificial intelligence to help enterprises analyze customer feedback and service communication. The Munich-based entrepreneurs see demand rise during the Corona crisis.
A window into the future of insurance
Startups, mentors, investors and insurance and tech industry representatives worked together for five months in InsurTech Hub Munich’s Innovation Programme. At the grand finale 600 attendees were able to witness the next big thing in insurance, as keynote speaker Carsten Maschmeyer remarked.
There’s no such thing as bad weather. Really?
Startup Wetterheld offers weather insurance for farmers and organizers of outdoor events
Check out our new H+ website
The digital home of upcoming H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme, co-hosted by ITHM and dmac – Medical Valley Digital Health Application Center, is at your service
An app on prescription
Startup Pathmate helps chronically ill people to better master their everyday life: Personalized apps and coaching offers establish a more direct contact between patients, insurers, doctors and therapists and allow for individualized therapy.
Can you translate emotions into data?
Yes, you can, says startup NeoSound Intelligence. Their speech analytics solution for call centres interprets sentiments – and even moments of silence.
Change to the InsurTech Hub Munich management
Manuel Holzhauer to leave the hub by end of May, Christian Gnam takes over as interim Managing Director
Data sovereignty as a business model: This start-up brings more fairness to the internet
“It’s my data” offers users a way to manage their personal data in a central repository and sell it to companies themselves. In doing so, they are initiating an urgently needed change in awareness.
A medical thermometer for crisis-ridden times
Meet Thryve, the startup behind the Robert Koch Institut’s corona app.
H+ Innovation Programme: Call for Applications
InsurTech Hub Munich and dmac/Digital Health Hub Nuremberg/Erlangen launch new accelerator focused on digital health
Largest public-sector group in Germany joins ITHM network
InsurTech Hub Munich wins Bayerische Versorgungskammer as a partner
“Two months ago this would have been unthinkable”
Expert Round Table: Four Heads of Innovation from InsurTech Hub Munich’s board companies discuss how the corona crisis will change the way we work and communicate and which role innovation will play in the near future.
Our highly connected world produces countless documents every day: This start-up from Munich helps to use them more efficiently
In modern knowledge societies, processing using data is a major task – not just during a pandemic. Munich-based start-up Curiosity has developed a software helping to exploit the goldmine of information that lies in unstructured documents.
„We are in this together!“
InsurTech Hub Munich relaunches its ongoing Innovation Programme during the corona crisis, giving participating startups and corporate partners more time to scale up businesses
Singaporean startup adds more fairness to hiring processes with automated first-round video interviews
With Interviewer.AI, they aim to bring more fairness to the hiring process by removing unconscious bias, racial, age-related, or gender discrimination and focus and what really matters – the candidate’s skills and suitability to the role at hand.
Family caregivers are doing an incredible job – and this Munich startup is there to support them
Meet NUI Care founder Markus, a former top manager who devoted himself to caregiving through a very personal experience.
How two tech women are connecting e-commerce and the insurance industry
E-commerce companies often struggle to find the right insurance. Two London-based founders are on a mission to change that.
Support agents face lots of repetitive tasks – this startup wants to change that
The startup Parloa has developed a simple solution with which every company can easily implement its own voice assistants or bot communication.
Alumni for life
Pitch Day, Business Development Week and beyond: All participants of InsurTech Hub Munich’s Innovation Programme are able to take advantage of a package of perks and benefits.
„Second to none in Europe”
InsurTech Hub Munich kicks off batch 5 of its Innovation Programme, welcoming entrepreneurs hailing from 12 nations and a significant number of female founders.
From FinTech to Health: InsurTech Hub Munich kicks off brand new Innovation Programme
InsurTech Hub Munich is thrilled to announce the startups joining the 2020 batch of the ITHM Innovation Programme.
“Collaboration is the new secret sauce”
InsurTech Hub Munich launches novel initiative: “Collab” connects the network’s members with tech scale-ups, boosting access and collaboration.
InsurTech Hub Munich team grows to ten
Lisa Lang joins InsurTech Hub Munich as Events Manager, Reinhard Saller as Senior Partnership Manager.
“We’re ready to deliver!”
InsurTech Hub Munich receives a follow-up grant by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Moving Mountains: A wrap-up of the year 2019
InsurTech Hub Munich has grown substantially during the year 2019 – what’s next? Managing Director Manuel Holzhauer wraps up the last twelve months.
Accelerating the speed of innovation together
Powerful partners in digitization: InsurTech Hub Munich and Bitkom announce cooperation.
Tenacity is key
Identity verification startup Nect, an early InsurTech Hub Munich alumnus, recently disclosed cooperations with a handful of insurance companies. Founders Benny and Carlo believe that their key to success is being tenacious.
Applications open for fifth InsurTech Hub Munich Innovation Programme
Startups aiming to scale in the strongest economy in Europe are invited to apply now to join the all new InsurTech Hub Munich Innovation Programme.
“Real disruption happens when competitors collaborate to achieve more together”
Christian Eggers (Microsoft) and Tom Van den Brulle (InsurTech Hub Munich / Munich Re) talking about industry-specific challenges in digital transformation and cooperation as a disruptive force.
Driving innovation together: Microsoft joins the InsurTech Hub Munich network
Collaboration is a disruptive force for ITHM’s new partner Microsoft: Given the challenges that insurance…
InsurTech Hub Munich has a new partner – Digital Health Platform Instahelp
New startup partner for InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM): established in Graz, the award-winning healthcare platform Instahelp is planning a foothold in Germany with its online mental health services.
NTT DATA and InsurTech Hub Munich Enter into a Strategic Partnership
Building a technological bridge between startups and established players: InsurTech Hub Munich and its new…
Pitch perfect: W1 Forward Insurtech Accelerator Demo Day established as a not-to-miss event for the insurance industry
As the ten participating teams of InsurTech Hub Munich’s fourth W1 Forward accelerator program pitched on Demo Day, the insurance industry listened attentively.
InsurTech Hub Munich welcomes new member W&W Brandpool
W&W Brandpool, the digital business unit of Stuttgart’s Wüstenrot & Württembergische Group (W&W), stands for innovative digital brands and investments like Adam Riese, treefin or NIST.
InsurTech Hub Munich and Dutch Association of Insurers collaborate on InsurTech
InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) and the Dutch Association of Insurers have agreed to collaborate with…
Markel Germany joins the InsurTech Hub Munich as a new member
InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) welcomes the specialist insurer Markel as a new member. The ITHM gives Markel additional access to new approaches and innovation in the field of Insurtech.
Kick off for batch four of W1 Forward InsurTech Accelerator
W1 Forward InsurTech Accelerator welcomes ten startups and two Entrepreneurs in Residence.
Build38 joins the InsurTech Hub Munich as a new partner bringing Mobile Security to InsurTechs
Dr. Christian Schläger of Build38 and Christian Gnam of InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) announce the cooperation of ITHM and Mobile Security pioneer Build38.
Symposium und Meetup Mikromobilität
Zusammen mit dem Digital Hub Mobility organisiert der InsurTech Hub Munich das Symposium mit anschließendem öffentlichen Meetup.
InsurTech Hub Munich gewinnt Ben Shaw als Director Programme und Strategie
Ben Shaw kommt vom Barclays Accelerator aus New York und wird nun die operative und inhaltliche…
Breakdowns becoming breakthroughs
Entrepreneurs shared their big moments of failure (and, of course, their learnings) at the “F**kUp Evening”,…
Calling out to InsurTech disruptors
InsurtechHub Munich starts fourth edition of W1 Forward InsurTech Accelerator. Startups can apply for the…
InsurTech Hub Munich kooperiert mit Süddeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen
InsurTech Hub Munich und Süddeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen fördern mit gemeinsamen Veranstaltungen Innovation in der Versicherungsindustrie.…
W1 Forward InsurTech Accelerator Alumni secures $1.3M Seed Funding
Congrats to Road Safety startup Kruzr, Alumni of the ITHM Accelerator Program’s third Batch in…
Christian Gnam ist neuer Director Partner Management des InsurTech Hub Munich
Der 38-Jährige kommt von Invest in Bavaria und setzt auf industrieübergreifende Partnerschaften München, 5. Februar…
We need more of a ‘why not‘-spirit
No „walk-the-dog apps“ but cross-industry big ideas, when nine startups from all over Germany took…
Aman Bajaj, Insurance Lead of Geospatial Insight talks about change that improves customer experience
Geospatial Insight is a leading provider of risk intelligence derived from analysis of satellite, aerial,…
Business Punkt Klickstrecke: Top 10 Finance and Insurance
#5 Manuel Holzhauer, Insurtech Hub Der gemeinnützige Münchner Insurtech Hub will bis 2024 zum wichtigsten…
Medicus is a wellbeing platform that interacts with people of all profiles to deliver uber-personalized health engagement and smart wellbeing
Medicus is a wellbeing platform that interacts with people of all profiles to deliver uber-personalized…
PwC kooperiert mit dem InsurTech Hub Munich
Strategische Partnerschaft zur Förderung von Investitionen und digitaler Transformation der Versicherungsbranche / Europaweite Vernetzung von…
“Die Eintrittsbarrieren für Start-ups sind hoch”
Schneller Start, große Ziele: In unserer Kolumne berichten Digital Hubs von ihrer Arbeit. Heute spricht…
Vlot helps insurance carriers making life insurance more attractive and better understandable
1. How does your business model work and what is your USP? At vlot we…
Enterprise Bot is an Artificial Intelligence company that builds white-labelled cognitive solutions for enterprises
1. How does your business model work and what is your USP? Enterprise Bot is…
Wenalyze is a Big Data Analytics platform that enables insurance companies to discover new selling opportunities
1. How does your business model work and what is your USP? Wenalyze is a…
Social DataThon: artificial intelligence in action to combat hunger
Welthungerhilfe, one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany, is always looking for innovative…
+Simple offers a unique digital platform to buy and manage professional insurances
1. How does your business model work and what is your USP? When freelancers and…
Hochschule Coburg meets InsurTech Hub Munich
Der Bereich Versicherung der Hochschule Coburg kooperiert seit dem Wintersemester 2018 / 19 mit dem…
InsurTech Hub diskutiert über Künstliche Intelligenz auf dem Digital Gipfel 2018
Auf dem diesjährigen Digital Gipfel in Nürnberg wurde in Workshops und Panel Diskussionen mit über…
Wayra and the InsurTech Hub Munich welcomed more than 120 guests on the topic “IoT meets InsurTech”
On Thursday 15th of November the meetup community gathered again on the topic “IoT meets…
Once again ITHM had the pleasure of co-hosting the biggest conference in InsurTech, the Digital Insurance Agenda
The InsurTech Hub Munich and Digital Insurance Agenda continue their partnership by hosting the fifth…
InsurTech Hub Munich and the EUROFORUM join forces!
The ITHM invited the EUROFORUM conference to its hometurf at WERK1 to learn more about…
Manuel Holzhauer wird neuer Managing Director beim InsurTech Hub Munich
München, den 16. Oktober 2018 – Manuel Holzhauer übernimmt die Rolle des Managing Directors bei…
InsurTech macht Schule – Der InsurTech Hub München und die Deutsche Versicherungsakademie geben den Startschuss für eine umfassende Bildungsinitiative bekannt
München / Berlin, 08. Oktober 2018 – Der vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium geförderte InsurTech Hub Munich (…
InsurTech Hub Munich and Versicherungsforen Leipzig take up event series at Werk1
Beginning of June Jens Ringel, managing director of the Versicherungsforen Leipzig and Johannes Wagner, member…
17 Startups Selected for Batch One of the “Insurtech Europe powered by Plug and Play” Program
MUNICH, Oct. 3, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Plug and Play Insurtech announced today that 17 startups will join Batch…
What to consider when building an InsurTech startup
By Nikolaus Suehr, CEO and Co-Founder of KASKO. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew…
Onegini – the best CIAM platform in finance?
Onegini is one of the leading Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) vendors that allows…
Happy customers through personalized transactions
Imburse is a Swiss-based startup that empowers companies to build a personal transactional relationship with…
Bleenco lets your car read your emotions
Bleenco is a Munich-based startup developing AI and human-computer interaction technology for the automotive industry…
BodyLabs: Ärztlicher Hausbesuch 2.0
BodyLabs bietet in nur 15 Minuten einen umfassenden Gesundheitscheck an. Die Ergebnisse werden in Echtzeit…
InsurTech Radar by founding partner MunichRe
Our founding partner Munich Re recently published the Tech Trend Radar, in which technological trends…
A different perspective: FairFleet
The drone company FairFleet is a professional full-service partner for both customers and pilots –…
The 1st InsurTech CASHWALK: top-notch start-ups put to the test by international investors
50+ investors, 26 start-ups and a fiery jury: at our 1st edition of the InsurTech…
Pitch-Event im Stakkato-Modus
100 Investoren, 35 Start-ups und eine unbestechliche Jury: Beim Insurtech Cashwalk im Werk 1, dem…
How Digital Fineprint wants to predict the future in the insurance industry
Since its inception, insurance has been, fundamentally, a data-driven industry. In recent years, however, the…
ClaimSpace – The claims system of the future?
Claimspace provides insurance companies and their teams with the right tools to engage, support and…
Building ecosystems requires guts
Ecosystems will play an important role in the future of insurance. But what are the…
Neue Beiratsvorsitzende des Insurtech Hub Munich
Das Insurtech Hub Munich hat seinen Beirat um weitere Mitglieder erweitert. So wurden auf der…
Wie der InsurTech Hub Munich und die Roche Pharma AG künftig die Digitalisierung der Gesundheitsbranche mitgestalten wollen
Digitale Hubs und Ökosysteme gelten als wesentlicher Beschleuniger für neue Technologien Partnerschaft ermöglicht dem InsurTech…
Value & Wealth: ITHM Meet-up about the Future of Wealth Management
The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation in the way that advisory services…
München: Lohnt das InsurTech Hub?
Allianz, Generali und Munich Re: Es sind bereits die großen Namen der deutschen Versicherungsbranche, die…
Artificial Intelligence meets Risk Management
The guys from Prewave have one goal: To build the leading tool for predicitive risk…
How E-bot7 wants to define a new era of customer service
In an interview with InsurTech Hub Munich, Fabian Beringer, co-founder of E-bot7 talks about the…
Extreme quality, impressive crowd, great networking – that was Expo Day of InsurTech Europe powered by Plug and Play
On Tuesday, 26th of June, the members of the Plug and Play InsurTech Europe ecosystem…
Acht Wochen, neun Start-Ups – In München stellten sich die InsurTechs von morgen vor
Bereits zum dritten Mal fand der W1 Forward InsurTech Accelerator, eines von zwei Acceleratorprogrammen des InsurTech Hub…
Interview: Kooperation InsurTech Hub Munich und Versicherungsforen Leipzig
Im vergangenen Jahr haben zwölf bayerische Versicherungsunternehmen in einer gemeinsamen Initiative den InsurTech Hub Munich…
The new kids from the block: Nine highly promising teams have been selected to kick off our 3rd batch of the W1Forward InsurTech Accelerator
No less than 75 startups applied at the InsurTech Hub Munich for W1Forward InsurTech Accelerator’s…
Meetup: The Future of Wealth Management
The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation in the way that advisory services…
Recap: TechDays 2018 – Insurance Meets Technology
TECH DAYS, Munich: A colorful hustle and bustle with stalls, speakers and a lot of…
Zukunftsfähige Lösungen zwischen Tradition und Moderne
Standort München bietet viele Vorteile – Wichtige Werttreiber sind Digitalisierung und Innovationen – Einschätzung eines…
InsurTech Hub Munich kooperiert mit Versicherungsforen Leipzig
Der InsurTech Hub Munich gewinnt mit den Versicherungsforen Leipzig einen neuen Partner. Im Rahmen der…
„Plug and Play Munich – Health meets Insurance“ Meetup on April 11th
Last week, exciting Health Tech Startups gathered with numerous industry representatives, investors and members of…
InsurTech Hub Munich und Versicherungsforen Leipzig etablieren Partnerschaft
InsurTech Hub Munich und Versicherungsforen Leipzig etablieren Partnerschaft und lancieren Veranstaltungsreihe zu Zukunftsthemen der Assekuranz…
Meetup: CyberSecurity – Evolving Threat or Opportunity?
Security has risen to the top of the agenda. Rapidly evolving information security threats are…
Growing the future of insurance – 16 Startups for Plug & Play Batch #0 selected!
Two weeks ago, the InsurTech Hub Munich kicked off its partnership with the global innovation…
Recap: „Digital Health meets InsurTech“ Meetup on February 19th
The first meetup “Digital Health meets InsurTech” powered by the InsurTech Hub Munich, Werk1 and…
Insurtech-Schmiede vernetzt sich weltweit
Die Insurtech-Schmiede “InsurTech Hub Munich” ist dem internationalen Netzwerk “Global InsurTech Alliance” beigetreten. Dadurch solle…
Insurtech-Schmieden bauen europäische Insurtech-Plattform auf
Die Insurtech-Schmiede “InsurTech Hub Munich” und der Risikokapitalgeber Plug and Play arbeiten künftig zusammen. Gemeinsam…
InsurTech Hub Munich launches third edition of successful W1 Forward Accelerator program
After two years of activity, two successful batches, and 10 teams accelerated to market InsurTech…
InsurTech Hub Munich continues international expansion through partnering with global startup ecosystem Plug and Play.
InsurTech Hub Munich and Plug and Play partner to co-create a new startup innovation platform,…
Innovation meets Innovation: Meetup “DigitalHealth and InsurTech”
Experts say that the global market for Digitalhealth will grow from $80 billion in 2015…
Intelligentes Verhalten von Maschinen erfahren: Mitarbeiter tauchen bei der NÜRNBERGER Versicherung in die KI ein
Digitalisierung und moderne Technologien schaffen neue Lebens- und Arbeitswelten. Viele Unternehmen nutzen sie bereits, um…
Social Media in der Versicherungswirtschaft- InsurTech Hub Munich als Best Case
Best of Assekuranz im Social Web und der InsurTech Hub Munich mittendrin. Auf der Fachkonferenz…
“Positioning Munich as the insurance industry’s Silicon Valley”: Mission accomplished! InsurTech Hub at international trade fair DIA
Numerous highly informative discussions, intensive exchanges and close contacts to both existing and potential partners:…
Scouting through the data jungle: Data analytics in the insurance industry
A large volume of collated information alone does not guarantee deeper insights. To gain these…
Recap zum InsurTech Meetup – Zukunft der Mobilität
Das InsurTech Meetup vom 02.11.17 stattfindend in den Räumlichkeiten von Wayra ( ) stand…
Smart Home & Telematik: Wenn Waschmaschine und Kofferraum beginnen mitzudenken
Interview mit Country Functional Head of Digital Martin Schmidt-Schön zur Smart Insurance Offensive der Generali…
What’s on the Digital Insurance Agenda?
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, connected devices, chatbots, robo-advice: there is so much going on in…
The future of mobility
Lets close the summer break with a juicy topic. The future of mobility Frictionless, automated,…
DIA kommt nach München
InsurTech Hub Munich bringt rennomierte InsurTech und Versicherungsmesse nach München Nur wenige Wochen nach der…
InsurTech Hub Launch Event
„No matter what the future of insurance looks like, it is made in Germany…“ Das…
Versicherer in der Knödelküche
Im München entsteht auf Initiative des Bundes das deutsche Zentrum für Insurtechs. Versicherer und Kreative…
Das große Schulterklopfen
In München feiern Versicherer den neuen Technologie-Hub. Arbeitsplätze sind kein Thema. Staatsministerin Ilse Aigner ist…
InsurTech Hub Munich: Innovation für den Versicherungsstandort München
12 Versicherungs-Unternehmen aus Bayern haben gestern in einer gemeinsamen Initiative den InsurTech Hub Munich e.V. gegründet. Ziel…
Digital Hub München erhält mit ‚InsurTech‘ zweiten Schwerpunkt
München wird als Digital Hub künftig auch am Thema ‚InsurTech‘ arbeiten, um die Digitalisierung der…
Versicherungsunternehmen gründen InsurTech Hub Munich
Zwölf bayerische Versicherungs-Unternehmen haben in einer gemeinsamen Initiative den InsurTech Hub Munich e.V. gegründet. Ziel…
BMWi vergibt InsurTech als zweites Thema neben ‚Mobility‘ an den Digital Hub in München
Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium (BMWi) hat heute entschieden, dass München als Digital Hub Standort neben ‚Mobility‘ auch…
In München entsteht ein Innovations-Hub für Versicherungen
Bayerns Versicherungen brauchen Unterstützung bei der Digitalisierung. Ein Technologie-Hub in München soll nun dafür Startups…
München soll digitaler Knotenpunkt der Versicherungen werden
Deutschlands größter Versicherungsstandort München soll ein globaler Knotenpunkt der Digitalisierung in der Branche werden. Mit…
Munich Re und Allianz wollen München zum digitalen Knotenpunkt machen
Deutschlands größter Versicherungsstandort München soll ein globaler Knotenpunkt der Digitalisierung in der Branche werden. Mit…
Digitaler Knotenpunkt für Versicherungsbranche?
Deutschlands größter Versicherungsstandort München soll ein globaler Knotenpunkt der Digitalisierung in der Branche werden. Mit…
Es ist offiziell: München ist neuer Knotenpunkt für die Digitalisierung der Versicherungsbranche
Am Donnerstag hat in München ein feierlicher Kick-off stattgefunden – die Stadt wurde offiziell als…
München startet seinen InsurTech-Hub
Deutschland will digitaler werden. Deshalb hat das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium seine „Digital Hub Initiative“ gestartet. Insgesamt zwölf…
Allianz und Munich Re feiern Gründung des InsurTech Hub Munich!
Die Allianz und Munich Re haben ein gemeinsames Projekt ins Leben gerufen, das jetzt offiziell…
Bayrische Versicherungen starten Insurtech Hub
Zwölf Versicherer aus Bayern haben in München den Verein “InsurTech Hub Munich e.V.” gegründet. Dieser…
München soll digitaler Knotenpunkt für Versicherungsbranche werden
Deutschlands größter Versicherungsstandort München soll ein globaler Knotenpunkt der Digitalisierung in der Branche werden. Mit…
Gründung des InsurTech Hub Munich
München – Gemeinsam für Innovationen in der Assekuranz. 12 Versicherungs-Unternehmen aus Bayern haben in einer gemeinsamen Initiative den InsurTech Hub Munich e.V. gegründet.