
Recent Publications

KI in der Versicherungsbranche: Von der Pilotphase zur Skalierung

Die Versicherungsbranche befindet sich inmitten einer digitalen Transformation, in deren Mittelpunkt die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) als Schlüsseltechnologie steht. Unsere aktuelle, mit Deloitte gemeinsam verfasste Studie zeigt, wo die Branche steht und wie sie  nächste Stufe der Innovation erreichen könnte:

Zentrale Erkenntnisse der Studie:

  • Effizienzsteigerung als Hauptantrieb: Für 94 % der Versicherer steht die Optimierung von Prozessen und Ressourcen im Fokus ihrer KI-Strategien.
  • Herausforderung Prozessintegration: Die Skalierung von KI-Lösungen stößt häufig auf Hindernisse bei der Einbindung in bestehende Abläufe und Systeme.
  • Investition in Mitarbeitende: Über zwei Drittel der Versicherer setzen auf Weiterbildungsprogramme, um ihr Team auf die Anforderungen der KI-Technologie vorzubereiten.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups: 88 % der Unternehmen sehen in Partnerschaften mit KI-Start-ups eine Chance, Innovationen schneller und flexibler voranzutreiben.

Warum diese Studie?

Unsere Studie liefert praxisnahe Einblicke und Handlungsempfehlungen, wie Versicherer KI-Lösungen skalieren können – von der strategischen Planung bis zur Umsetzung im Tagesgeschäft.

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren, wie die Versicherungsbranche KI zur Effizienzsteigerung, Innovation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nutzt.

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NEXT Distribution 2028 - The future of insurance distribution

Dive into the key insights and takeaways from ITHM’s latest white paper on the future of insurance distribution, focusing on technology as a central factor in shaping the industry. Created in collaboration with consultancy firm Roland Berger, this insightful piece is compiled with the contribution of 30+ experts from our ITHM community of insurers, technology companies, and the insurtech industry. Highlights include:

  • The game-changing role of technology and insurtechs 
  • The limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach 
  • 8 archetypes for future positioning

… and more!

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Navigating the AI Horizon: A Strategic Imperative for Insurers

In the vibrant and dynamic landscape of AI, the swift integration of new technology is reshaping industries, posing challenges to established norms. The potential benefits of AI for insurers are substantial, from operational gains to meeting customer expectations and facilitating talent recruitment. Recognizing the pivotal moment in the industry, InsurTech Hub Munich, launches two “Scale AI” programmes.

Insurers: Essential Safeguards for SME Security and Growth

Discover how insurers are evolving into essential safeguards for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), bolstering their stability, security, and prospects for sustainable growth. This article delves into the strategies and innovations insurers are employing to bridge the divide between perception and reality in risk coverage for SMEs, ultimately fortifying fortifying their security, resilience, and long-term growth.

News and Insights

Smaller Businesses Expect an “All-Inclusive Package” from Insurers

The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) and strategy consultancy Roland Berger have jointly published the study NXT:Commercial, which examines the needs and challenges of the insurance market for smaller businesses (10 to 49 employees and up to €10 million annual revenue) in Germany. Based on surveys of 150 executives from smaller companies and interviews with representatives from over ten insurance companies, the study explores two key questions: To what extent are the basic needs of smaller businesses being met by insurers, and can insurers establish themselves as long-term partners through value-added services?

KI in der Versicherungsbranche: auf dem Weg zur Skalierung 

Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Versicherungsbranche! Gemeinsam mit unserem strategischen Partner Deloitte haben wir untersucht, wie deutsche Versicherungsunternehmen KI einsetzen und welche Herausforderungen sowie Potenziale es bei der Skalierung gibt.

Insurance Innovation Night 2024: AI and Insurance – A Forward-Looking Partnership

Over 200 leading experts from the insurance industry, technology, and politics gathered at the Design Offices in Munich for the Insurance Innovation Night 2024, hosted by InsurTech Hub Munich. The event focused on a pivotal theme: the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the insurance industry. Featuring prominent speakers, innovative contributions from startups, and intense discussions, the event underscored the key message: scaling AI brings both challenges and enormous opportunities. However, realizing this potential requires considerable effort, knowledge-sharing, and a spirit of innovation.

SCALE AI Venture Programme 2024: Collaborations at the Intersection of AI and Insurance

On September 26, 2024, the SCALE AI Venture Programme, an initiative by InsurTech Hub Munich, officially kicked off. This programme aims to reshape the role of AI in the insurance industry through strategic collaborations. By uniting insurers, technology companies, scaleups, and startups, it fosters the development of scalable AI innovations that will drive transformation across the entire insurance ecosystem.

Miriam Hook übernimmt Geschäftsführung beim InsurTech Hub Munich

Die Juristin und Versicherungsmanagerin Miriam Hook übernimmt zum 1. Mai 2024 die Geschäftsführung des InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM). Miriam Hook folgt als Geschäftsführerin auf Christian Gnam, der die Leitung des Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie (IZB) in Martinsried bei München übernommen hat. Zugleich mit der Berufung von Miriam Hook wird ein Führungsteam des ITHM etabliert.

Deloitte wird strategischer KI-Knowledge-Partner beim InsurTech Hub Munich 

Der InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) geht eine „Knowledge-Partnerschaft“ mit Deloitte ein. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, das Potenzial der sich rasant entwickelnden Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) für die Versicherungsbranche transparent und verständlich zu machen. Im Rahmen der aktuellen KI-Programme des Hubs werden ITHM und Deloitte daran arbeiten, die Versicherungswirtschaft durch gemeinsame Analysen, Studien und Handlungsempfehlungen zu stärken. 

Navigating the AI Horizon: A Strategic Imperative for Insurers

In the vibrant and dynamic landscape of AI, the swift integration of new technology is reshaping industries, posing challenges to established norms. The potential benefits of AI for insurers are substantial, from operational gains to meeting customer expectations and facilitating talent recruitment. Recognizing the pivotal moment in the industry, InsurTech Hub Munich, launches two “Scale AI” programmes.

Insurers: Essential Safeguards for SME Security and Growth

Discover how insurers are evolving into essential safeguards for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), bolstering their stability, security, and prospects for sustainable growth. This article delves into the strategies and innovations insurers are employing to bridge the divide between perception and reality in risk coverage for SMEs, ultimately fortifying fortifying their security, resilience, and long-term growth.

Gen Z and Insurance: takeaways to optimise your distribution strategy

During InsurTech Insights in London InsurTech Hub Munich’s Programme Director Esther Prax discussed the race to GenZ with experts Graham Gordon, P&C Product Director at Sapiens, Sabina Kravcak, Head of Strategy at AXA UK, Josh Hart, Co-Founder, CPO and CTO at YuLife and Dr. Robin Kiera, Founder and CEO of digitalscouting.

What’s the future of embedded insurance? 

Embedded insurance is a growing trend in the insurance industry that has the potential to revolutionize the way insurance products are distributed and consumed. To gain more insights about this trend, we interviewed Yuri Poletto, Founder and Director of the Open and Embedded Insurance Observatory.

Beyond a simple symptom checker

Generali Health Solutions and the Austrian startup XUND are cooperating to create a patient journey that goes beyond a simple symptom checker and positions the insurer Generali as a Lifetime Partner.

More knowledge means better care

Münchener Verein and Ecaria have joined forces to help family caregivers by informing and educating them on the care coverage gap and long-term care insurance products.

Örag Rechtsschutz

ÖRAG-Gruppe wird Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich 

Die ÖRAG-Gruppe tritt dem ITHM als neues Versicherungsmitglied bei. Damit baut der ITHM seine Reichweite in Deutschland weiter aus und stärkt seine führende Position als nationales und internationales Zentrum für Versicherungsinnovationen.

IAG Firemark Ventures joins InsurTech Hub Munich as a new partner

With Firemark Ventures, the corporate venture capital fund of Australian insurance company IAG,InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) further expands its international partner network, enriching the mutual exchange within ITHM’s existing community of insurance leaders and technology champions.

Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.  joins the InsurTech Hub Munich community

InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) further accelerates its growth in 2022 by entering in partnership with Japan headquartered international insurance group Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. With Tokio Marine’s industry related expertise and long-lasting experience ITHM w international community know-how on digital innovation.

Insurance & Elderly Care: The challenges of caregivers

We have asked Johannes Wagner, ITHM Board Member, Head of Startup Cooperation at Versicherungskammer and Managing Director Bavaria Versicherungsvermittlungs-Gmbh and Kazuya Komemoto, Innovation Manager at Dai-chi Life to share their point of view on elderly care management and how insurers can become real partners to patients and caregivers.

Fitness & Workplace Health: a perfect access point for a better healthcare journey

The H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme lays special emphasis on 5 health verticals along the patient journey embracing the strategic priorities of the ITHM community. Rodrigo Perez, Head of Claims Health Insurance at Münchener Verein, takes us through the role of insurers in their employees’ and customers’ fitness journey, giving us his insights on fitness and workplace health.

Insurance & Mental Health: what are the challenges for insurers?

The H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme builds on strategic priorities of the ITHM community by laying special emphasis on 5 health verticals. As the first topic, we discuss mental health challenges for the insurance industry with Markus Homann, Managing Director at Generali Health Solutions and part of our H+ Expert Panel.

Financial Home: Versicherer können mit Rundum-Betreuung wachsen

Viele Verbraucher wünschen sich ein sogenanntes „Financial Home“ – eine zentrale Plattform, über die sie alle persönlichen Geldangelegenheiten gebündelt regeln. Wie eine solche Plattform konkret aussehen könnte, erarbeitete der InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) gemeinsam mit seinem Partnernetzwerk aus Versicherungen, Start-ups, IT-Dienstleistern sowie der Strategieberatung Oliver Wyman, im Rahmen des mehrwöchigen Innovationsprogrammes FIN:SURE.

8 questions to… Kathrin Schwidder

Our recently appointed ITHM board member and Generali Deutschland AG’s Head of Strategy and Lifetime Partner Transformation shares with us her view on digitalization, the ITHM hub and much more.

Neue Vorstands- und Beiratsmitglieder beim InsurTech Hub Munich

Kathrin Schwidder (Generali) und Dr. Klaus Driever (Allianz) werden neue Vorstandsmitglieder des InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM). Johannes Wagner (Versicherungskammer Bayern), Falk Löffler (Nürnberger Versicherung) sowie Tom Van den Brulle (Munich Re) wurden in der turnusmäßigen Wahl von den ordentlichen Mitgliedern wiedergewählt und werden für weitere zwei Jahre als ITHM-Vorstandsmitglieder den Münchner Hub steuern. Von den Mitgliedern neu in den ITHM-Beirat entsandt wurden Dr. Carsten Reimund (Allianz) und Benedikt Kalteier (Generali).

Provinzial wird neues Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich

Der Provinzial Konzern, der zweitgrößte öffentliche Versicherer in Deutschland, wird Mitglied im InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) und setzt damit auf den Know-how- und Erfahrungsaustausch mit dem auf Innovation und Digitalisierung fokussierten InsurTech Hub aus München.

Risk identification for your advisory success

Since 2016, riskine develops digital advisory solutions for the financial industry, based on the latest AI and graph technologies. Its solutions enable a holistic understanding of risks and needs and significantly reduce information asymmetries between customers and advisors.

Democratising home ownership

MyHomely, a German startup founded in 2020, focuses on breaking the barriers to homeownership via its unique co-investment technology. Customers achieve 100% home ownership in as little as three years while having access to digital support services and default management technology.

Empathy and money – how does this fit?

Dimply, an Irish startup founded in 2020, believes in an empathetic and resonant approach in empowering healthier financial futures for customers. The startup builds a bridge between large financial businesses and individual customers with a focus on helping people think and feel better about money.

A Home built on Trust

Building a Financial Home Platform: InsurTech Hub Munich explores the role of insurance in their customers’ life-long financial wellbeing. For its new Innovation Sprint format, FIN:SURE, the hub is joined by top-notch experts and eleven promising international startups.

How to scale it

Nürnberger Versicherung and startup Fusionbase have joined forces – with a remarkably long-term perspective. We asked them for their top three criteria for successful startup-corporate cooperations.

Welcome to the Never Normal

At the FUTURE X INSURANCE Showcase, corporate executives, innovation leaders and international startups discussed and defined the new normal in the industry

“Home-made Innovation”

Christopher Meyer-Mölleringhof, Head of Innovation at LV 1871, strongly believes in strengthening in-house innovation

A community of 10K

InsurTech Hub Munich reaches 10,000 followers on LinkedIn. “It’s more than just numbers, it’s a community”, comments Director Media & Communications Markus Walter.

Esther Eva Prax has joined InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM)

What’s NXT:, Esther?

Launching ‘NXT: Enterprise”: Esther Prax, ITHM’s new Programme Director, explains why the network now focusses on the topic of Smart Enterprise.

Getting ready for the next normal

With ‘NXT: Enterprise” InsurTech Hub Munich is launching its seventh Innovation Programme. The first half of 2021 will be dedicated to matching startups and corporate partners to collaborate on Smart Enterprise solutions.

At the forefront of innovation

InsurTech Hub Munich honors the commitment of its corporate partners with the Frontrunner Award, the Digital Connector Award and the Most Engaged Partner Award

Lasting impression, lasting relationship

Founders in the ITHM alumni network profit from a number of perks and benefits. Six startups, awarded for their outstanding transformative impact, now received a special prize: a pro sales training at famed Maschmeyer Group.

Youkoso, Tokyo FinTech!

Tokyo FinTech joins InsurTech Hub Munich as a Community Partner, further expanding the network’s ties with the Asian entrepreneurial ecosystem.

ITHM Team Meeting

Insurtech boom defies the crisis

Is the COVID-19 crisis slowing down startups, corporate innovators or investors? On the contrary: InsurTech Hub Munich sees its stakeholders gain momentum.

Startup uses artificial intelligence to help enterprises analyze customer feedback and service communication.

Better decisions with customer insights

Startup uses artificial intelligence to help enterprises analyze customer feedback and service communication. The Munich-based entrepreneurs see demand rise during the Corona crisis.

A window into the future of insurance

Startups, mentors, investors and insurance and tech industry representatives worked together for five months in InsurTech Hub Munich’s Innovation Programme. At the grand finale 600 attendees were able to witness the next big thing in insurance, as keynote speaker Carsten Maschmeyer remarked.

Check out our new H+ website

The digital home of upcoming H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme, co-hosted by ITHM and dmac – Medical Valley Digital Health Application Center, is at your service

Startup Pathmate

An app on prescription

Startup Pathmate helps chronically ill people to better master their everyday life: Personalized apps and coaching offers establish a more direct contact between patients, insurers, doctors and therapists and allow for individualized therapy.

InsurTech Hub Munich relaunches its ongoing Innovation Programme

„We are in this together!“

InsurTech Hub Munich relaunches its ongoing Innovation Programme during the corona crisis, giving participating startups and corporate partners more time to scale up businesses

Alumni for life

Pitch Day, Business Development Week and beyond: All participants of InsurTech Hub Munich’s Innovation Programme are able to take advantage of a package of perks and benefits.

InsurTech Hub Munich kicks off batch 5 of its Innovation Programme

„Second to none in Europe”

InsurTech Hub Munich kicks off batch 5 of its Innovation Programme, welcoming entrepreneurs hailing from 12 nations and a significant number of female founders.

Tenacity is key

Identity verification startup Nect, an early InsurTech Hub Munich alumnus, recently disclosed cooperations with a handful of insurance companies. Founders Benny and Carlo believe that their key to success is being tenacious.

Gründung des InsurTech Hub Munich

München – Gemeinsam für Innovationen in der Assekuranz. 12 Versicherungs-Unternehmen aus Bayern haben in einer gemeinsamen Initiative den InsurTech Hub Munich e.V. gegründet.