Our founding partner Munich Re recently published the Tech Trend Radar, in which technological trends with a high relevance to the insurance industry are compiled.
To create competitive advantages, business and IT leaders seek to evaluate the top trends. A big picture with inherent guidance is indispensably needed for the ability to act on solid grounds. Here is where Thomas Bonaty from Munich Re’s CIO Office started and initiated the Tech Trend Radar: “Our IT-Teams analyze the emerging technologies within a challenging landscape and annually report on their ops and risks from the perspective of insurers. We are acting as internal trend scouts and sharing our insights with clients and industry.”
The radar focuses on four key fields: User Centricity, Connected World, Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Technologies
- It detects a record number of top trends relevant to insurers’ future business.
- More than a third are new developments – across all fields and maturity levels.
- The fields Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Techs deserve special mention. Their trends move from the watch-list closer to the realization status.
- Recommendations highlight where speedy implementation of trends are advisable. This way the Radar aims to sharpen awareness in order to successfully initiate and drive future business opportunities.
The newly shared Tech Trend Radar 2018 delivers the latest technology update for insurers: