InsurTech Hub Munich and Versicherungsforen Leipzig take up event series at Werk1

Beginning of June Jens Ringel, managing director of the Versicherungsforen Leipzig and Johannes Wagner, member of the Board of InsurTech Hub Munich announced a strategic partnership, which will deepen the connection between the insurance industry, science and startups through a series of joint events.

At the end of July the series kicked off with a fireside chat for executive board members and senior management of the partner corporates of the InsurTech Hub Munich. An exclusive group came together to discuss the digital transformation of the insurance industry, particularly looking at the threat outside forces as Amazon and Google pose to established players.

With a workshop format, the partners also offered an event to IT and Data departments of both the hubs partner corporates as well as the ones from Versicherungsforen Leipzig.
Dr. Florian Mann, managing director of WERK1, welcomed twenty IT and Big Data specialists from different insurance companies with an introduction to the world of startups and digital ecosystems.

In the first part of the event Vincent Wolff-Marting, head of the competence team digitisation & innovation at Versicherungsforen Leipzig, presented mathematical and statistical models of machine learning such as K-Nearest-neighbors and support vector machine, which lead to a discussion of possible use cases in the insurance industry. In smaller task-groups the participants were able to share their experiences and scheme their own product ideas using design thinking methods. In this context, it became clear that machine learning can improve the understanding of customers ‘ wishes and needs efficiently. Laura Stephan, Data Analyst at Versicherungskammer Bayern, particularly liked “the exchange of ideas in a pleasant atmosphere as well as the application of new methods and the development of new ideas in the workshops.”

The invited startup founders Florian Bontrup (CEO, DOCYET) and Thomas Rudel (CEO, Kauz) provided the necessary inspiration between the specialist presentations and workshops, by giving close-up insights into the application of machine learning methods for the implementation of innovative business models. After the end of the official part, the participants were able to exchange about the made experiences with snacks and cool drinks.

Given the high interest of the partner companies and the positive feedback from the participants, we are looking forward to expand these successful event formats together in the course of next year! Feel free to comment, what would interest you!




About Versicherungsforen Leipzig
The Versicherungsforen Leipzig are a service provider for research and development (R&D) in the industry. As a stimulus for the insurance industry, its core competence lies in recognizing, picking up and exploring new trends and topics, for example in the context of studies and research projects with direct involvement of insurers. Based on current scientific and technical knowledge, they develop and implement pioneering solutions for the industry. With the special knowledge of insurance business Administration, Insurance informatics, actuarial and insurance law, Versicherungsforen Leipzig provide the basis for solving challenging new issues in-within the Insurance industry. In addition, the scientific interdisciplinary and the high degree of practical relevance enable an enlightening “look beyond the rim”. Through their many years of activity, Versicherungsforen Leipzig has established a unique network of over 230 companies within the insurance industry, which is designed to exchange ideas and experience and to communicate between practitioners as well as between practice and science. For more information, see