The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) supports the insurers’ transformation from payor to partner with the second edition of the H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme.
Catalyzed by the largest public health threat in recent times, telemedicine and digital health solutions have seen unprecedented growth in the past years. Growing patient and physician acceptance levels and the currently forming set of market rules further prove that this growth trend is here to stay. Within this environment, insurers are looking to transform from pure cost reimbursers to true healthcare companions and digital health solutions are undoubtedly key for this transformation. The InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM) supports the insurers’ transformation from payor to partner with the second edition of the H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme.
A survey within ITHM’s network in January 2022 showed which particular focus areas within the field of Digital Health leading insurers are most interested in. These areas, that reflect the challenges in today’s healthcare system, are: Mental Health, Elderly Care, Fitness & Workplace Health, Healthcare Platforms and Chronic Diseases.
Taking these areas into consideration, ITHM scouted startups worldwide to provide cutting edge solutions that support the insurers’ transformation from pure cost reimbursers to healthcare partners. Out of more than 270 applications from 50 countries all across the globe, 20 startups have finally been picked to join the H+ Programme. These startups are not only within the five prioritized areas and the sweet spot in terms of funding stage and maturity to be collaboration ready, they all bring in cutting edge technology, data sets and customer journeys to significantly improve the way healthcare is delivered.
In February 2022, 20 ambitious and dedicated founders presented their digital health solutions for the very first time to the ITHM partner community. Throughout the next eight weeks they will run through a dedicated curriculum, incl. mentoring and expert sessions as well as business development meetings all aiming at sparking meaningful collaborations with ITHM´s tech and insurance partners.
Startups joining H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme 2022 according to focus areas:
Startup participants in the programme will work on developing projects with the ITHM corporate community, scaling their business and meeting mentors, investors, medical experts and industry representatives as well as universities, research institutes, and governmental and non-governmental organisations.
ITHM’s corporate community will benefit from ITHM’s rich experience in setting up use cases and creating business impact together with the startups. Additionally, ITHM offers various formats for corporates to foster collective know-how, enable cross-industry exchange and share experiences in the field of innovative health solutions. ITHM’s already established digital health expert community, the ‘H+ Expert Panel‘, will be further developed with numerous new representatives.
Please reach out to ITHM´s partnerships team (Dr. Reinhard Saller and Dale Sodergren) if you want to be involved in this or any upcoming ITHM Programmes.
The second edition of H+ Digital Innovation Programme will end with a grand showcase on April 6, 2022. Please save the date and for further updates follow ITHM on LinkedIn.
More about H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme 2022 here.
Text: Margret Riedlsperger