Join us for the second edition of the InsurTech Hub Munich Digital Health Innovation Programme
Catalyzed by the largest public health threat in recent times, telemedicine and digital health solutions have seen unprecedented growth in the past years. Growing patient and physician acceptance levels and the currently forming set of market rules further prove that this growth trend is here to stay.
Within this environment, insurers are looking to transform from pure cost reimbursers to true healthcare companions and digital health solutions are undoubtedly key for this transformation. The InsurTech Hub Munich supports this transformation with the second edition of the H+ Digital Health Innovation Programme.
During this three-month journey, the InsurTech Hub will bring together its ecosystem of leading insurers, tech firms, cross-industry players and selected, international digital health startups to dive deeper into emerging health topics, bringing in patient-centric innovative solutions, building expert know-how and expertise and fostering mutual knowledge exchange.
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This year’s programme is centred around the patient journey, with special emphasis on disease prediction and prevention, patient engagement as well as related health insurance processes transforming insurers from payors to partners.
The programme builds on strategic priorities of the ITHM community by laying special emphasis on 5 health verticals.
Mathias Orban
Medical Consultant, Munich Re
“Current medical innovations and demographic changes in our society are major challenges and could be addressed by harnessing digital solutions. The H+ Digital Innovation Programme fosters exchange between startups and industry partners to find these solutions in digitization for the life and health insurance sector.”
Markus Homann
Managing Director, Generali Health Solutions GmbH
“The combination of patient focus and technology is a powerful driving force for better health care. I am grateful that I can contribute to make H+ an enabler for innovation in health care by matching this driving force with business needs.”
Markus Stephan Scherner
Head of Startups and UUX Insurance, Digital Strategy and Operations, ADAC
“Customer centricity for digital health AND insurance – does it really work?”
Alexander Wieschnewski
Senior Consultant Business Development, Munich Re
“Digital Health has the power to change current health systems. The H+ programme enables well-founded discussion between two key player: life and health insurer on one side and innovative digital health provider on the other.”
Markus Buchhäusl
Abteilungsleiter Digitalisierung, Technik und Betriebsorganisation KV, ARAG
“The digitization of private health insurance is an ambitious challenge. The H+ Innovation Program and in particular the H+ Expert Panel provides important impulses and suggestions to develop and offer smart individual solutions. It is a pleasure for me to contribute to the H+ Expert Panel.”
Corinna Schmidt
Customer Insights and Health Innovation Manager, Allianz
“Corona constantly reminds us of the importance of good health. As part of the H+ program, I am happy to discover new trends and innovations in the health industry.”
Maximilian Leist
Strategische Koordination Kranken, NÜRNBERGER Versicherung
“As NÜRNBERGER health insurance, we want to be our customers’ health partner. The H+ program is a great opportunity to learn about new ideas and services that deliver added value for our customers.”
Florian Leßmann
Leiter Produktmanagement und Geschäftsfeldentwicklung PKV, HUK-COBURG
“As part of the H+ program, we want to address the conflicting priorities of customer centricity, technical feasibility and economic viability in order to find sustainable solutions for our customers and our company.”
Johannes Wagner
Member of the Board at InsurTech Hub Munich
Head of Startup Cooperation at Versicherungskammer
Managing Director Bavaria Versicherungsvermittlungs-GmbH
“I am excited to join the H+ Expert Panel to foster the collaboration between startups and corporates. Digital solutions are changing the health insurance market rapidly, so VKB is striving to explore new horizons to support our customers in the best possible way.”
Stefan Schwarz
Innovation Scouting & Venturing Referent, ERGO Digital Ventures AG
“Health systems around the world are facing enormous challenges, and not just since Corona. In order to achieve the greatest possible output for the health of all with the available resources, we need good digital solutions. As part of the health ecosystem, it is our task to encourage and develop the best solutions. H+ is an excellent platform for this.”
``As Generali wants to push the e-health business in Europe, it is a great opportunity and pleasure for me to be involved in the selection of the startups and support of promising new digital health solutions.``
``Preparation is key when it comes to presenting and implementing innovations into real corporate processes. Through H+ we learned, as only one important example, how to set up a good pitch. This was a very helpful and sometimes even painful lesson for us.``
``Our health is more important than ever. As a part of the H+ community I appreciate trying to close the gap between two important ecosystems: Life and Health Insurance and new digital innovators.``
``The ITHM team gave us super support in a very familiar and positive atmosphere. Our needs were always taken very individually care of and the strong network was made accessible to us. Even after the completion of the program in 2020, we are still connected and exchange with ITHM.``
``We look forward to a lively exchange with innovative start-up teams and want to work towards ensuring that Münchener Verein remains at the forefront of digitalization in line with our strategy.``
``We picked H+ in 2020 because the main goal of the program is to develop a real use case and strong pitch-deck to present the solution straight to investors and insurance companies. This was an important benefit for us.``
``As a strategic partner, we gain in-depth cross-industry know-how from startups and insurers. This offers us the opportunity to further shape data-driven business models and solutions for our clients.``
“Having an extensive network and direct access to industry leaders make all the difference in such programs. ITHM has unlocked tremendous opportunities for us and massively accelerated the pace of our development as a company.``